Saving Money on Insulin with Your Health Access Benefit

We regularly hear stories from our members about how they are getting the most value out of their Health Access Benefit, but occasionally, we also hear stories directly from primary care providers about how they were able to serve their patients. Here’s a success story of how one woman was able to save money on insulin:

Our office recently started working with a new patient through Health Access Solutions. When we conducted her initial patient consultation, we discovered that she had been seeing another primary care doctor for a few years and was taking insulin. She was comfortable with her other doctor, so we saw our role as helping to coordinate care.

She shared with us that she was paying approximately $450 per month for her insulin, and the doctor she was seeing recently upped her dosage. She was scared because she was often tight on cash and on a few instances her insulin would run out before the end of the month.

We quickly got involved and scheduled a consultation with her doctor to help find a better solution for her. We shared that she was a cash pay patient and the cost of insulin was a problem for her. As is often the case, this other doctor had no idea of the financial impact this treatment was having on his patient. We were able to suggest a few different alternatives to her current insulin and worked with the doctor to find a suitable, yet affordable alternative. The doctor quickly wrote her a new prescription for the alternative insulin, and the patient was able to shop around for the best price.

She ended up paying $38 at Walmart for a one-month supply of insulin. This small change in her prescription will end up saving her about $5,000 per year.

What Worked for this Member?

This patient was able to have such a positive outcome thanks to the hard work of her primary care provider. Even though she chose to continue seeing her previous doctor (which she was free to do!), her new medical care team came alongside her and her doctor to help find the best outcome.

When a better, more cost-effective solution was found, she was able to use her prescription service to shop around and find the best price on her insulin. (Learn more about the benefits of not using insurance at the pharmacy here.)

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